“Maternité Désirée – Desired Motherhood is a
charitable association, independent of any
religious or political affiliation, governed by
articles 60ff of the Swiss Civil Code (CC).
The work in Switzerland is done by volunteers. This allows us to spend 90% of funds raised on the project in Benin. 10% of the funds cover administrative and organizational costs (see annual report).
The association has around 20 members. You are very welcome as a member. Annual membership fee: 50.-, for couples and families: 75.-
Please contact us if you are interested: info@maternitedesiree.org
Executive committee:
- Felix Küchler, chair
- Agnes Plaschy Schnyder, treasurer
- Lisa Grelot, secretary
The board meets around 4 times a year. Members and interested parties are welcome to attend.
Articles of association in German and French